In our Company, we pay more attention to achieve our goals in environmental field as well.

Solar panelEnergy management:
We established solar power plant at our cost- so that we can ensure all needed energy for our site, by using renewable sources.
At our new company site, we use only led lighting, in order to achieve less energy consumption.

EmbankmentEnvironmental protection:
We already have an electric car in our Company. If we need to change our old cars or trucks in the future, we are planning to buy only electric vehicles as company cars.
We do not use plastic packagings anymore, intead, we use paper based packagings.
We collect the litter selectively, and ask them to be carried away this way, in order the major part of the litter can be recycled.
We stopped buying mineral water in Pet bottles, as these bottles caused significant quantity of waste and earlier were collected selectively. To avoid this, we changed to use water dispenser.

Our philosophy:
“Think globally, act locally." We believe that, if everyone takes its part in the protection of environment, our children will have nicer future.